Department of normal and pathological animal physiology

Vasyl Koziy, head of department, doctor of veterinary sciences, DVM, professor.

In 1985 he graduated Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute after name P.L. Pogrebnyak, specialty: veterinary medicine, qualification: veterinarian.

In1985‑1987 doctor of veterinary medicine in collective farms of Uman district of Cherkasy region and Vasylkiv district of Kyiv region.

In 1990 defended the thesis on the topic: «Laser therapy for arthritis in pigs (clinical and experimental studies)», in 2007 ‑ doctoral dissertation «Laminitis in highly productive cows (etiology, pathogenesis, treatment and prevention)».

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: professional ethics and communications of veterinary practice, ethology and welfare of animals, bioethics of research and veterinary practice, operative surgery.

Research interests: improvement of legislation on the welfare of productive animals, treatment and prevention of limb diseases in cows, preventive veterinary medicine.

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Mykola Nishchemenko, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, DVM.

In 1969 he graduated a Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute, specialty: veterinary medicine, qualification: general veterinarian.

In 1969‑1974 he worked a chief doctor of veterinary medicine state farm "Druzhba" Novoodesky district, Mykolaiv region. Since 1974‑1980 he was a director of the Arbuzyn district veterinary laboratory Mykolaiv Region.

In 1984 defended the thesis on the topic: «Stimulation of pig meat production with lysine, chlorpropanide and betazine». In 2006 defended doctoral dissertation on the topic: «Physiological and biochemical justification for the use of amino acids and micronutrients to increase animal productivity».

Member of the specialized academic council for the defense of candidate's and doctoral dissertations in National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: physiology of farm animals, research methodology.

Research interests: physiological bases of increase of productivity of animals and poultry.

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Sergey Shmayun, DVM, PhD, associate professor.

In 1990 he graduated Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute named after P.L. Pogrebnyak, specialty: veterinary medicine, qualification: veterinarian.

Since 1990‑1991 he worked head of the training laboratory of the department of normal and pathological anatomy and histology of the Zhytomyr Agricultural Institute.

In 1997 defended dissertation on the topic: «Some issues of epizootology, pathogenesis, therapy and prevention of nematodes of the digestive tract of horses in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine»

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: pathophysiology of animals, clinical pathophysiology, animal physiology.

Research interests: the role of stressors in the development of pathological processes in pigs, the study of immunobiological reactivity and peroxidation processes in parasitic diseases of animals.

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Oksana Poroshynska, DVM, PhD, assistant professor.

In 2006 she graduated Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, specialty: veterinary medicine, qualification: veterinarian.

Since 2006‑2007 she worked a doctor of veterinary medicine at Nemyriv dairy plant, Nemyriv, Vinnytsia region. Since 2008‑2009 – doctor of veterinary medicine "Teren", v. Stavyshche, Kyiv region.

In 2013 defended the thesis on the topic: «The physiological rationale for the use of lysine, methionine and threonine for quail meat production».

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: animal physiology, animal pathophysiology, research methodology.

Research interests: physiological bases of increase of productivity of animals, physiological mechanisms of adaptive reactions in animals and birds under the action of stress factors.

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 Stovbetska Lyudmyla, DVM, PhD, assistant professor.

In 2002 she graduated Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, specialty: veterinary medicine, qualification: veterinarian.

Since 2002‑2008 she worked as laboratory assistant of the department of obstetrics and artificial insemination of animals in Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. Since 2008‑2011 she worked as a laboratory assistant of the department of normal and pathological physiology of animals in Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.

In 2015 defended the thesis on the topic: «Physiological condition and egg productivity of quails under the influence of a complex of amino acids and vitamin E».

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: animal physiology, fish physiology, ethology and animal welfare, animal behavior disorders.

Research interests: physiological bases of increasing productivity of animals, physiological mechanisms of behavioral reactions of animals and poultry under stress.

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 Emelyanenko Alla, DVM, PhD, assistant professor.

In 2010 she graduated Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, specialty: veterinary medicine, qualification: doctor of veterinary medicine. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University and in 2011, specialty: veterinary medicine, qualification: master of veterinary medicine.

In 2011 she worked a doctor of veterinary medicine "Independence" v. Hanno-Trebenovo, Ustynivskyi district, Kirovohrad region.

In 2018 defended the thesis on the topic: «Physiological aspects of antioxidant protection and immunity in the body of quails under the action of nanoaquachelates of selenium and germanium».

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: animal physiology, professional ethics and communications of veterinary practice, bioethics of research and veterinary practice.

Research interests: physiological bases of immune and antioxidant protection in the body of poultry, the influence of stress factors on the body of the bird in the embryonic and early post-embryonic periods of development.

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Presentation of the department of normal and pathological animal physiology