

Postgraduate education is based on the most important principle of market relations - training in accordance with the requirements of modern agro-industrial production and the needs of the labor market.

Today the Institute of Postgraduate Training of Heads and Specialists of Veterinary Medicine of Bila Tserkva NAU has its own educational building, its educational and methodical work is provided by scientific and pedagogical staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and other departments of the university depending on the specialization of veterinarians.



- advanced training and retraining of managers and specialists of state and departmental veterinary medicine, researchers and teachers of higher and secondary special educational institutions and faculties;

- conducting and coordinating research on training and retraining of personnel working in the field of veterinary medicine;

- implementation of research on scientific and methodological problems of veterinary medicine, participation in the implementation of targeted comprehensive programs for the development of veterinary medicine;

- providing advisory assistance to specialists, managers of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens;

- cooperation on the basis of direct relations with similar institutions of foreign countries in matters of postgraduate training of veterinarians, creation of special centers.


In 2019, 1542 specialists from all regions of Ukraine improved their skills, passed internships, certification and training at IPTHSVM, including:

- 698 specialists in veterinary medicine;

- 221 pedagogical employees of higher educational institutions of Ukraine of I-IV levels of accreditation;

- 444 persons passed the attestation on fluency in the state language;

- 52 land surveyors;

- 127 scientific and pedagogical employees of the university underwent internships in model farms, enterprises, banking institutions and abroad.


Historical background. The Institute of Postgraduate Training of Veterinary Medicine Managers and Specialists of the Bila Tserkva State Agricultural Institute was established by the order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine of March 5, 1993. It is no coincidence that this institution was opened on the basis of Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University. has a long tradition of training highly qualified personnel, a modern research and production base, highly professional research and teaching staff, extensive experience in organizing the educational process. In 1993, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Associate Professor Ivan Mykhailovych Babak was appointed Director of the Institute. From 2001 to 2019, IPNKSVM was headed by Hryhoriy Panasovych Shchurevych, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, and Honored Worker of Agrarian Education of Ukraine. Since June 2019, the institute is headed by Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur Tetyana Hryhorivna.

Over 25 years, more than 25,000 veterinary specialists of Ukraine have been trained and trained in IPTHSVM.



advanced training of veterinary managers and specialists

medicine at the Institute of Postgraduate Studies

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in 2021

(Approved by the Academic Council of BNAU, Minutes 298 of September 29, 2020)

25.01–05.02 2 weeks Specialists in public hospitals veterinary medicine in the areas

25.01–05.02 2 weeks Managers and doctors everything in the markets

25.01–12.02 3 weeks Doctors in / m - bacteriologists, microbiologists

08.02–19.02 2 weeks Chiefs and their deputies of state veterinary hospitals in the districts

08.02–19.02 2 weeks Managers and doctors everything in the markets

15.02–05.03 3 weeks Heads of departments, chief, leading specialists doctors veterinary medicine - immunologists (DNDI on laboratory diagnostics and all, regional, regional states. laboratory. veterinary medicine)

22.02–05.03 2 weeks Heads of district hospitals, polling stations, veterinary points medicine, specialists in positions

22.02–05.03 2 weeks Official veterinarians in districts and cities

15.03–26.03 2 weeks Heads, deputies, heads of departments public hospitals of veterinary medicine

15.03–26.03 2 weeks Managers and doctors everything in the markets

15. 03–02.04 3 weeks Heads of bacteriological departments, chief, leading specialists, doctors veterinary medicine - bacteriologists (DNDI with laboratory diagnostic and everything, regional, regional states. laboratory. veterinary medicine)

05.04–16.04 2 weeks Specialists in public positions veterinary hospitals in the districts

05.04 –16.04 2 weeks Managers and doctors everything in the markets

19.04– 30.04 2 weeks Heads of district hospitals, points of veterinary medicine, specialists by positions

19.04–30.04 2 weeks Official veterinarians in districts and cities

19.04–30.04 2 weeks Heads of parasitological departments, chief, leading specialists, doctors veterinary medicine - parasitologists (DNDI with labor. diagnostic and everything, regional, regional state laboratory. veterinary medicine)

17.05–21.05 1 week Training and practical course "Fundamentals of molecular genetic diagnosis of infectious diseases"

24.05–28.05 1 week Training and practical course "Means and organization of disinfection"

17.05–28.05 2 weeks Specialists in public positions veterinary hospitals in the districts

17.05–28.05 2 weeks Managers and doctors everything in the markets

31.05–11.06 2 weeks Heads, deputies, heads of departments in regions, districts and cities

31.05–11.06 2 weeks Managers and doctors everything in the markets

29.06–09.07 2 weeks Heads of veterinary and sanitary departments examinations, chief, leading specialists, veterinary experts (DNDI in laboratory diagnostics and ALL, regional, regional states laboratory veterinary medicine)

29.06–09.07 2 weeks Heads of radiology departments, chief, leading specialists, doctors - radiologists (DNDI with laboratory diagnost. and everything, regional, regional states. laboratory. veterinary medicine)

29.06–09.07 2 weeks Veterinarians - radiologists

29.06–09.07 2 weeks Heads of epizootological departments, chief, leading specialists, doctors - epizootologists (DNDI with laboratory assistant. diagnostic and everything, regional, regional states. laboratory. veterinary medicine)

29.06–16.07 3 weeks Heads of departments, doctors / bacteriologists

12.07–23.07 2 weeks Heads of district hospitals, points of veterinary medicine, specialists by positions

12.07–23.07 2 weeks Official veterinarians

12.07–23.07 2 weeks Heads of pathomorphological departments, chief, leading specialists, doctors - pathomorphologists, heads of laboratories, reception sectors pathological material (DNDI with laboratory diagnostics and all, regional, regional states. laboratory. veterinary medicine)

06.09–17.09 2 weeks Heads of district hospitals, points of veterinary medicine, specialists by positions

06.09.–17.09 2 weeks Managers and doctors everything in the markets

06.09–24.09 2 weeks Veterinarians - bacteriologists

27.09–08.10 2 weeks Specialists in public positions veterinary hospitals in the districts

27.09–08.10 2 weeks Official veterinarians in districts and cities

18.10.–29.10 2 weeks Heads of district hospitals, polling stations, veterinary points medicine, specialists in positions

18.10.–22.10 1 week Heads of monitoring research departments, registration of samples and registration of documents, the main leading specialists, veterinarians

18.10.–05.11 3 weeks Veterinarians - immunologists

01.11–12.11 2 weeks Heads of departments, specialists for positions in districts and cities

01.11.–12.11 2 weeks Managers and doctors everything in the markets

08.11–12.11 1 week Heads of metrological support departments and quality management, leading veterinarians

15.11.–26.11 2 weeks Heads of district hospitals, polling stations, veterinary points medicine, specialists in positions

15.11–26.11 2 weeks Official veterinarians medicine in cities and districts


Director of IPTHSVM BNAU                                                    T.G. Mazur