


All aspects of the physical facilities must provide an environment conducive to learning, including internet access. The veterinary Establishment must have a clear strategy and programme for maintaining and upgrading its buildings and equipment. Facilities must comply with all relevant legislation including health, safety, biosecurity, accessibility to people with reduced mobility, and EU animal welfare and care standards.

The central building (№1) of the University is located in the center of Bila Tserkva. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine gradually became part of the residential quarters with the development of the city. Due to this, new buildings were built for the faculty on the outskirts of the city, which have been operating since 1991. The educational buildings (campuses) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine are located 1.5 km

from the central building of the university. The campuses includ educational buildings № 8, № 9, № 10, educational veterinary clinic specialized in horses, ruminants, pigs, small and exotic animals with isolators and a separate block of animal reproduction by species, a separate block of necropsy. Within the campuses there is an area for walking and grazing animals. Clinic facilities are fenced, marked

with biosafety symbols and are guarded. The structural subdivisions of Bila Tserkva NAU are the training and production center, which is located 3 km away from FVM. Its total area is 1716.9 hectares, including the area of agricultural land - 1422.2 hectares, farms keep 290 heads of cattle, 165 heads of sheep, 19 heads of horses, 16,700 heads on a poultry farm, which has its own slaughterhouse.

Student dormitories and the central student canteen are located 200 m from the educational buildings (Annex 4.1). Public transport provides connection of FVM with other districts of Bila Tserkva.

Students study at FVM in the main and three other buildings (№№ 8−10). For the lecture course and practical classes rooms with a total area of 4238.2 m2 are used. All educational buildings have wardrobes. Students leave their outerwear in them. VTH has a total area of 1100 m2. In separate rooms (Block G, D) there are insulation cells for animals of different species. During 2017−19 the reconstruction and modernization of clinical buildings was carried out and an interdepartmental educational veterinary clinic (VTH) was established. It has a general management, but the clinic of each species has separate blocks of rooms with its own infrastructure

with a common hematology laboratory and a molecular diagnostic laboratory (created with the support of Erasmus+KA2 Ag-Lab). After the Consultation visit in 2018, the university administration continued the policy of modernization of premises and equipment to ensure the operation of FVM clinics. At the same time,

the operating room for companion-animals was completely reconstructed, the construction and equipment of isolators (for certain species of animals) were completed in accordance with biosafety standards, a horse clinic was built and the modernization of the animal necropsy unit was completed. Additionally, machines for horses treatment, operating table for horses, sets of instruments (surgical and obstetric) for all types of animals, treatment and operating machines for cattle, resuscitators for calves, veterinary ketometer-glucometer, automatic sterilizers, electronic scales for animals, veterinary infusion pumps, portable veterinary pulse oximeters, breathing bag Macintosh type laryngoscope, portable ultrasound scanner, ENT scanning kits, biological microscopes, freezers, eye washers, corkscrews, washing machines for necropsy room and sectional storage room material, operating tables for small companion animals, ophthalmic tonometer, slit lamp, surgical kit prefabricated for ophthalmology, biosafety equipment and materials for insulators, portable mobile X-ray machine IMAX-102. VTH's funds are aimed at building its infrastructure and expanding service opportunities. Diagnostic and laboratory equipment is licensed, subject to annual certification, licensed equipment and premises for radiography in accordance with national legislation. For its part for the

purpose of current service at faculty the engineer of the corresponding specialty works. On the territory of the training and production center there are training laboratories: for quality control and safety of milk (S = 350 m2), for horse breeding and sheep breeding (S = 741.6 m2); for growing young cattle (S = 1498.4 m2); from biotechnologies of reproduction in dairy cattle breeding 40 (S = 1510.8 m2), from technologies in poultry farming (S = 701.8 m2); from bioresources and aquatic aquaculture (S = 391.8 m2). In these laboratories, students undergo intramural practice. It is planned to build a laboratory for pig fattening technology (S = 1264.3 m2). In addition, the faculty, based on cooperation agreements, has a number of branches in clinics, agricultural enterprises, processing plants and laboratories in order to expand the opportunities for practical work for students, increase the number of animals and biological material in the educational process (Annex 4.2).

Students acquire skills in proper production and hygiene practices, production technologies that ensure safe and quality products of animal origin. Acquire the skills of personal hygiene of staff involved in the food chain "From the field to the table." Evaluate the procedures for proper storage and transportation of processed industrial products (Annex 4.3). Due to the proximity of the location of the training and production center and the presence of branches of clinics, a significant proportion of training on animals is carried out on his farms on both healthy and sick animals. In addition, each department has research laboratories, which also train students, where they conduct clinical laboratory research.

 Lecture theatres, teaching laboratories, tutorial rooms, clinical facilities and other teaching spaces must be adequate in number, size and equipped for the instructional purposes and must be well maintained. The facilities must be adapted for the number of students enrolled. Students must have ready access to adequate and sufficient study, selflearning, recreation, locker, sanitary and food service facilities.

Offices, teaching preparation and research laboratories must be sufficient for the needs of the academic and support staff.

Lectures are held in three buildings №№ 8−10, in 13 classrooms, which are equipped with multimedia projectors, laptops and Internet. It is also possible to hold seminars in lectures. In addition, on each floor of the building № 8 there are 6-7 rooms for theoretical and practical classes at the rate of 20-25 students, as well as rooms for academic and support staff and research laboratories. On each floor of the building there are recreation (S = 30 m2), where students have the opportunity to relax after

classes with a WiFi zone, as well as bathrooms. In each building during the day there are buffets with the possibility of hot meals. There are libraries for students in buildings 1, 8, 9, which have a reading room with computers, the Internet and a subscription.


The literature has a biological and veterinary profile. In the building №1 there is a library, which has a subscription to fiction. Computer classes,

museums of surgical pathology, anatomy and pathology anatomy, parasitology are also used for selfpreparation of students. The clinics are equipped with separate rooms for regular students.

Departments of normal and pathological physiology, microbiology and virology are located in the building № 9, which are separated with limited access in the block of premises.

The Department of Microbiology is equipped with laboratory workshops, rooms for autoclaving, preparation of media, bacteriological laboratory with appropriate equipment (microscopes, autoclave, air sterilizer, stationary boxing).

The Department of Anatomy and Histology has a museum, bone base, microscopic analysis laboratory, taxidermy and museum laboratory, corpse material storage of about 80 m2, preparation room, microscopes for each student workplace and microscopes with electronic programming. Anatomy classes use a bone base (about 7000 bones from different animals), "wet" anatomical preparations (without formalin fixation) and an X-ray museum. Histology uses histological preparations of different tissues and organs by different methods of staining.

At the Department of Food Hygiene and Veterinary Examination, the students work with biological material that comes from poultry slaughterhouses, fisheries and university farms, processing and agricultural enterprises, state laboratories of veterinary examination in the markets.

In the laboratory of clinical biochemistry (Department of Therapy and Clinical Diagnostics) and the interdepartmental research laboratory for the diagnosis of animal diseases, students under the guidance of teachers conduct research on various biological substrates (blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, stomach contents and rumen).

In the laboratory of parasitology (Department of Parasitology and Pharmacology) students conduct helminthic and larvosopic studies.

In the research laboratory (Department of Epizootology and Infectious Diseases of Animals) under the guidance of teachers, students perform various serological reactions: immunodiffusion reaction (RID), neutralization reaction (RN), complement fixation reaction (CFR), agglutination test (RA).

In the educational and scientific laboratory of the Department of Obstetrics and Biotechnology of Reproduction, students assess and determine the quality of sperm, its storage, artificial insemination of various species of animals and transplantation of embryos in rabbits

The surgery widely uses video films of its own production, as well as museum material on the pathology of bones, joints and hooves, electronic atlases of radiographs.

The Museum of Pathological anatomy and the electronic database of histological preparations are used in the study of pathological anatomy. The laboratory (S = 51 m2) of clinical mannequins for carrying out to clinical training and mastering of skills (research of cardiovascular, respiratory systems, carrying out various parenteral injections) is created.

The livestock facilities, animal housing, core clinical teaching facilities and equipment used by the Establishment for teaching purposes must:

  • be sufficient in capacity and adapted for the number of students enrolled in order to allow safe hands-on training for all students
  • be of a high standard, well maintained and fit for the purpose
  • promote best husbandry, welfare and management practices
  • ensure relevant biosecurity and bio-containment
  • be designed to enhance learning.

Farm animals are kept in block B (building 8). For pigs, there are five cages in the room, each measuring 9 m2 (45 m2 in total). In the same block there are three logs for keeping horses (7.5 m2, 10.5 m2 and 9 m2). In addition, there are seven diaries for keeping ruminants (6 m2; 6.9; 6.6; 6.3; 5.7; 6.9 and 6.3 m2).

Schemes of arrangement and logistics of individual clinics by animal species are presented in the annexes (Annex 4.4, 4.5, 4.6).

Necropsy is performed in a separate section hall (Block A), which is equipped with refrigerators, tables for necropsy and the necessary tools for its conduct. A sufficient number of overalls is provided for students This department has logistics and biosafety facilities, equipped with refrigerators, a cranebeam for transporting and lifting large animals. Sewage from the necropsy hall enters the insulated sewer (Annex 4.7). The clinic of companion animals is represented by an integral complex, which includes a reception, examination and manipulation room, diagnostic imaging room (electrocardiography, ultrasound diagnostics), a room for primary surgical care, a sterile operating room, a unit with a postoperative room, an X-ray room, an X-ray room, office of preventive medicine, hematology laboratory, room for clinical seminars, room for academic staff and room for students. The pig clinic has an operating room, 4 boxes, a bathroom, a room for students and a room for residents. The Ruminant Clinic has the same infrastructure. These two clinics have a common laboratory for processing primary samples. The horse clinic includes a room for treatment of limbs and oral cavity and cleaning of the animal, a room for examination and diagnostics, a room for anesthesia, an operating room and a postoperative diary. All clinics are equipped with diagnostic imaging: patient monitors, X-rays, ultrasound, anesthesia-respiratory system, laparoscope.

The following is a list of laboratories that provide training, research and other services.

Core clinical teaching facilities must be provided in a veterinary teaching hospital (VTH) with 24/7 emergency services at least for companion animals and equines. Within the VTH, the Establishment must unequivocally demonstrate that standard of education and clinical research are compliant with all ESEVT Standards, e.g. research-based and evidence-based clinical training supervised by academic staff trained to teach and to assess, availability for staff and students of facilities and patients for performing clinical research and relevant QA procedures. For ruminants, on-call service must be available if emergency services do not exist for those species in a VTH.

The Establishment must ensure state-of-the-art standards of teaching clinics which remain comparable with or exceeding the best available in the private sector.

The VTH and any hospitals, practices and facilities (including EPT) which are involved with the curriculum must meet the relevant national Practice Standards.

On the basis of the Interdepartmental clinic of horses, ruminants, pigs, small and exotic animals (VTH) there is an ambulance car, which is designed for emergency trips regardless of the time of day. The car is equipped with surgical and obstetric sets of instruments and medicines (anti-shock, analgesic, antispasmodics, rehydration therapy drugs, means for maintaining the cardiovascular and respiratory systems). The visiting team includes a doctor on duty at the clinic and 2-3 students.

During clinical training, students provide veterinary care to animals under the guidance of a teacher. When conducting classes in the clinic, students are dressed in protective suits (according to requirements). Each student's overalls have a badge with the full name in Ukrainian and English. Before each lesson with animals, students are instructed in safety. The main clinical training since 2018 is conducted in the training veterinary hospital. The hospital staff is represented by the head and five resident doctors. The basic clinical training in the clinic is provided by academic staff in the areas of specialization - diagnostic imaging, anesthesiology and surgery, reproductive medicine, internal metabolic diseases, ophthalmology, intensive care,

preventive medicine. The duty in the clinic is according to the schedule approved by the dean's office. The clinic works 24/7. The emergency services for pets, horses, ruminants and pigs are available by telephone.

However, in all cases, in the presence of patients in inpatient treatment, alternation is mandatory. Preliminary acquaintance of students with work of clinic, safety instructions, procedures and logistics is carried out. The rotation of students begins with the registration of patients, the study of their anamnestic data and the initial clinical examination with the participation of a doctor, which is reported to the teacher. If necessary, additional diagnostic procedures are assigned in which the student participates. During the free time the student analyzes this and similar clinical cases, which he discusses with the teacher. The student's responsibilities also include registering patients, entering all relevant data into the electronic database and filling in his / her protocol. At the end of the working day, the students on duty discuss all clinical cases during the day, and the teacher evaluates their work.

Students work in a similar way in outpatient clinics. In the aggregate of the results of students' work in clinics, which are stored in the electronic database, the student is credited or not credited with one or another indicator of his clinical training.

The Establishment must ensure that students have access to a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, including but not limited to: diagnostic imaging, anaesthesia, clinical pathology, intensive/critical care, surgeries and treatment facilities, ambulatory services, pharmacy and necropsy facilities.

Students have access to a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic tools. In the process of learning, students develop skills in diagnosing various pathologies using special devices and equipment: patient monitor, X-ray machine (stationary and mobile), ultrasound machine, laparoscopy, ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy of the eye and various methods of laboratory diagnosis. During surgery, students have access to anesthesia techniques and operations on animals. They have the opportunity to provide emergency care under the supervision of a teacher. When studying the discipline "Clinical Pharmacology" and during the duty in the clinic, students study the organization of the veterinary pharmacy. They participate actively under the supervision of teachers in conducting necropsy procedures. All procedures must be formalized in a protocol, discussed with the teacher with the participation of other students and animal owners. Mastering the relevant procedures should be recorded in the journal of progress and record book of clinical skills.

Appropriate isolation facilities must be provided to meet the need for the isolation and containment of animals with communicable diseases. Such isolation facilities must be properly constructed, ventilated, maintained and operated to provide for animal care and for prevention of spread of infectious agents. They must be adapted to all animal species commonly handled in the VTH.

For the safe treatment of infectious and infection suspected animals on the campus of the faculty, namely, next to the Interdepartmental veterinary clinic (VTH) there are isolator on cells. Their presence makes it possible to control infections and prevent threats to humans, animals and the environment.

Infirmary is sufficient for the usual mode of clinics, correspond (in number of places) for animals to usual loading. Infirmaries for horses, large and small ruminants, pigs are arranged in separate rooms. The infirmary for dogs and cats is located in the same building, has common facilities for students on duty and storage of medicines. All infirmaries follow measures to isolate and prevent the spread of infectious diseases: entrances for animals and staff are separated, there are separate passages. Animals enter the infirmary through a special door or gate, the size of which corresponds to the type of animal and allows in case of death of animals to evacuate it from the room. The infirmaries are supplied by autonomous ventilation. Faeces and waste are removed from the storage tanks, where they are disinfected and removed to the biowaste site.

The pathways of animals of different species do not intersect directly, which is the transmission of pathogens through fomites. Staff and students enter detention facilities through biosafety barriers, which are equipped with hygienic units, changeable footwear and clothing, and personal protective equipment. The premises are equipped with means for washing and cleaning of premises, care items, places for their storage, places for storage of fodder and medicines, disinfectants.

Isolators for dogs and cats in the clinic are the busiest and are used for inpatient treatment of infectious and sick animals.

Compliance with the rules of biosafety in infirmaries is supported by authorized staff (doctors) and teachers. Students undergo introductory and current instruction on the rules of work in isolation wards. The isolators have a system of visualization of biosafety rules with the help of special signs and explanations available for perception and understanding.

The Establishment must have an ambulatory clinic for production animals or equivalent facilities so that students can practise field veterinary medicine and Herd Health Management under academic supervision.

Students have the opportunity to provide veterinary care on call under the supervision of a teacher. To do this, the clinic has a schedule of teachers on the phone around the clock. The clinic is provided with a permanent car for expatriate assistance, as well as buses.

The transport of students, live animals, cadavers, materials from animal origin and other teaching materials must be done in agreement with national and EU standards, to ensure the safety of students and staff and to prevent the spread of infectious agents.

The faculty uses university transport, which is distributed centrally, to transport students to places of extramural practice in the Training and Production Center (university farm) and in farms. Mostly it is 4 passenger buses for 25 seats and a minibus for 10 seats. To use the buses, an application is submitted in advance to the university garage, which is usually always satisfied. The use of own transport of teachers and / or students is allowed in case of extramural work in small groups. Transport and drivers are allowed to transport people by a special civil service in accordance with the requirements of national legislation.

Patients are delivered to clinics by animal owners in special or adapted for animal transport. In some cases, for example, the transportation of animals from the Training Farm of University to the Interdepartmental Clinic (VTH) is carried out by university transport, a truck equipped for the transportation of live animals.

Corpses for necropsy for the purpose of diagnosis are delivered by animal owners by special or adapted transport. In the absence of the possibility of delivery by special transport, all measures are taken to prevent contamination of transport with corpse material, for which waterproof materials are used for temporary adaptation of transport. Such transport is disinfected after delivery of corpses. Individual organs or carcasses of small animals are delivered in waterproof dense plastic containers marked with biohazards. In some cases, the corpses can be followed by faculty members with their containers, which are available in the necropsy department.

The carcasses of animals that died during treatment at the training veterinary hospital are transported to the necropsy department in special containers or in dense special bags. After necropsy, the corpses are stored in freezers and periodically removed by special transport of a commercial enterprise with the appropriate specialization, permits and equipped transport. The faculty has a contract with this company for the removal of corpses and medical waste, which are accumulated on a special controlled site near the necropsy hall. The implemented rules for transportation and storage of corpses and biowaste ensure the protection of humans and animals from infectious diseases and prevent the spread of infectious disease agents into the environment.