Lyasota Vasil – Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Examination, Hygiene of Animal Products and Pat Anatomy. J.S. Zagaevsky.
In 1984 graduated from Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute. P.L. Pogrebnyak, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (specialty - veterinary medicine). After graduating from school and still working in Bila Tserkva NAU.He defended his dissertation in 1992. Dissertation topic: "Homotin - a stimulant of resistance and productivity of pigs." He defended his doctoral dissertation in 2004. Thesis: "Substantiation and development of preventive measures to correct the natural resistance of pigs under the influence of paratypic factors."
Member of specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations: NULES of Ukraine (D 26.004.08) and D 27.821.01 (Bila Tserkva NAU).
Scientific-pedagogical and practical works: safety, quality of food and feed, hygiene of plant foods.
Areas of research: 1) development and implementation of domestic biologically active drugs (immunostimulants, vitamin drugs) in order to increase the activity of metabolic processes, the immune system and the productive qualities of farm animals and poultry); 2) development and implementation of domestic pre- and probiotic drugs in order to increase the activity of metabolic processes, the immune system, the productive qualities of farm animals and poultry); 3) development and implementation of domestic disinfectants in order to prevent diseases and increase the activity of metabolic processes, the immune system, the productive qualities of farm animals and poultry); 4) development of technologies for the use of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation in order to prevent diseases and increase the activity of metabolic processes, the immune system, the productive qualities of farm animals and poultry); 5) veterinary and sanitary assessment of products of slaughter of animals after the use of biologically active drugs and electromagnetic radiation of ultrahigh frequency.
State Awards: Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2006); Diploma of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine (2007); Diplomas and thanks of the Department of Education and Science of the Kyiv Regional State Administration (2006−2020); DIPLOMA of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (For services to the Ukrainian people, 2018 "June 18", № 378-K).
Khitska Oksana, Associate Professor, DVM, PhD
Education: Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Master's Degree - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, 1996.
Work after graduation is related with BNAU: Laboratory assistant of the Chair of Obstetrics and artificial insemination of animals (1996-1998), Head of the Department of postgraduate and Ph.D. (2001-2003), Assistant of the Chair of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise and Pathological Anatomy (2003-2004), Associate Professor of the Chair of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise and Pathological Anatomy called J.S. Zahaievskyi (2003-2014), Head of the Chair of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise, Hygiene of Animal Husbandry Products and Pathological Anatomy called J.S. Zahaievskyi (2014-2017), Associate Professor of the Chair of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise, Hygiene of Animal Husbandry Products and Pathological Anatomy called J.S. Zahaievskyi (2017-until now).Interned at the faculties of veterinary medicine in France, Germany, Belgium; in universities of Netherlands, Moldova, Kazakhstan; in European (European Commission) and International (OiE, FAO) organizations. Member of the working group of OiE Project "Improving Veterinary Education in Ukraine" (2015-2017) and Erasmus + "Improving laboratory practice skills for agri-food professionals in Eastern Europe / Ag-lab" (2017-2020).Diploma of Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine (2002),dissertation topic «Early diagnosis of pregnancy and its terms at rabbit and sheep».
Scientific-pedagogical and practical works: Safety, quality of food and feed, Food hygiene and state control, Zoonoses and One Health Concept, Food and feed safety system.
Membership in councils and committees: the Council of FVM, the group of the content and quality of education at FVM, the Commission on Ethics and Academic Integrity of BNAU.
Areas of research: «Development of criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the quality and safety of food products of animal origin with the harmonization of regulatory and technical documents».
Dzhmil Volodymyr, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, DVM, PhD.
Degree in Veterinary Medicine. In 1993 graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bila Tserkva State Agricultural Institute. After graduation worked as a veterinarian in the AE named after Buznytskyi in Myronivka; a Deputy Head of the Myronivka District Veterinary Enterprise.
In 2002 defended a dissertation on "Veterinary examination of fish infested with nematodes of the Anisakidae family".
Scientific-pedagogical and practical works: food and feeds safety and quality, hygiene of food, standardization and the system of food production official control, commodities and standardization.
Areas of research: Study on carp fish parasites, the treatment and prevention measures.
Bukalova Natalia PhD, Associate Professor
High education. In 1980 she graduated from Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute named after P.L. Pogrebnyak, specialty – veterinary medicine, qualification – veterinarian. After graduating from high school, she worked at the Bila Tserkva station for the control of animal diseases (veterinary section of the village of Cherkas, veterinary section of the village of Glushky, Bila Tserkva district, Kyiv region). In 1998 she defended her dissertation for the degree of PhD in specialty 16.00.06 – Veterinary Sanitation and Hygiene on the topic: "Veterinary-sanitary and qualitative assessment of carp when feeding additives from carapace semi-finished products."
Scientific-pedagogical and practical works: "Safety, quality of food and feed", "Hygiene of milk and dairy products", "Hygiene of animal products", "Sanitary food safety and official control", "Organization and control of sanitary measures".
Secretary of the Academic Council for the implementation of educational and scientific training program for Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Medicine.
Areas of research: "Development of criteria of the European model of the complex system of guarantee of safety and quality of foodstuff, its introduction at the enterprises of agrarian sector of Ukraine".
She was awarded the Diploma of the State Committee of Veterinary Medicine (2009) and the Diploma of the I degree of the State Institution "Scientific and Methodological Center "Agroosvita "(Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Higher Education) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2014).
Konopelko Alina – postgraduate student of the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Examination, Hygiene of Livestock Products of Pathological Anatomy. J.S. Zagaevsky. She graduated from Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in 2019 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Dissertation topic: "Veterinary and sanitary assessment of the effectiveness of the probiotic" Subtiform-BTU "in poultry"
Scientific-pedagogical and practical works: Poultry breeding, Veterinary examination and sanitation.
ORCID profile
Presentation of the department of veterinary-sanitary expertise, hygiene of animal origin and pathological anatomy productsnames Y.S. Zagayevsky