Project [VAI2P] current information.




Teachers of BTNAU joined the implementation of the Project [VAI2P] together with our long-term partners VetagroSup (Lyon). 

VAI2P, Veterinary and Agronomical and Innovation Training Project Pedagogy is an international training for pedagogical innovations for veterinary teachers and agronomists. The purpose of this project is to teach skills and digital teaching tools.

Bila Tserkva NAU was joined to the project and preparing to start work in the directions of anesthesiology and surgery of horses, veterinary epidemiology and agronomy.

PRESS RELEASE 26.10.2020


Dean, prof. Sachnyuk V., teachers of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: academician, prof. Robbleko M., assoc. prof. Andriiets V. Emelyanenko O. and Tsarenko T. with the participation of the head of the international department Bonkovsky O. carried out the meeting with prof. Agnes Leblond and Margaux Meysonnet, partners from Vetagro Sup (Lyon).
Teachers from BTNAU showed a desire to connect to the Project [VAI2P] at the Vetagro Sup invitation.




Taras TSARENKO, Associate Professor and Coordinator VAI2P Ukraine took part in 2nd steering committee on Monday 7th December.

There is agreed to start work in the draft development of the course of anesthesiology of horses.





VEE BTNAU's participation in the project began with the creation of a digital course in Horse Anesthesiology. 

Now prof. Karine PORTIER (teacher from VetagroSup) and prof. Volodymyr Andriiets (from BTNAU) work on topic Horses Anesthesiology.



1-5 February 2021. Seminar online.




08 April 2021. 3 rd Steering committee.