Department of Veterinary Surgery and Anesthesiology Rublenko Mykhailo, Head of the Department, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (in the field of pathology, oncology, anesthesiology).

In 1983 he graduated from the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute, worked as a doctor in the district veterinary service, studied in the graduate school of the surgical department. In 1989 he defended his dissertation on "Laser therapy of arthritis in pigs", and in 2000 - his doctoral dissertation on "Pathogenetic features of the inflammatory reaction in pigs in surgical diseases and methods of treatment." Initially an assistant, since 1994 - associate professor, and since 2002 - professor of the department. From 1999 to 2002 - Head of the Department of Noncommunicable Diseases of the Institute of Postgraduate Training of Heads and Specialists of Veterinary Medicine. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of BNAU in 2002-2007, worked in 2008-2011 as an Academician-Secretary of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Interned at the faculties of veterinary medicine and clinics in France, Poland, Belgium, USA, Slovakia. OIE Project Coordinator "Improving Veterinary Education in Ukraine" (2015-2017) and Erasmus + "Improving laboratory practice skills for agri-food professionals in Eastern Europe / Ag-lab" (2017-2020)

Member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of dissertations, expert of the Pharmacological Council of the State Food and Consumer Service of Ukraine, editor-in-chief of the professional publication "Scientific Bulletin of Veterinary Medicine".

Areas of research: study of clinical and pathogenetic criteria of inflammation and hemostasis, neurotransmitters and intracellular messengers for surgical, obstetric, orthopedic and newly formed pathology in animals, development of pharmacological drugs, regenerative medicine.

Scientific-pedagogical and practical works: anesthesiology, general and special surgery of large animals, surgery and orthopedics of companion animals, ophthalmology, clinical oncology, radiology.

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 Vlasenko Volodymyr Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (in the field of veterinary surgery), Honored Worker of the Higher School of Ukraine.

He graduated from Cherkasy Veterinary College (1954) and Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute (1961), worked as head of the veterinary department.

In 1964–1967 graduate student, and then assistant at the Department of Surgery of Bila Tserkva SGI. In 1968-1969 part-time - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 1970-1973 pp. - Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor of Surgery and Obstetrics, 1973–1977 pp. - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, 1973–1993 pp. - Professor of the Department, in 1993–2006 - Head of the Department of Surgery, 1977–2005 pp. - Rector of Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University, and in 2006–2013 - Advisor to the Rector of the University.

He defended his dissertation on "Morphological and functional changes in piglets after cutting teeth" in 1967, and his doctoral dissertation - "The use of lasers in veterinary surgery" in 1997.

Areas of research: enriched agricultural science and practice with innovative developments in the field of dental and maxillofacial surgery, prevention of fluoride deficiency, epidemiological study of the ecosystem, eco-policy and organization of veterinary affairs in Ukraine. For the first time in veterinary medicine he developed technologies of laser high-energy surgery in animals. Under his leadership, the use of low-energy lasers in purulent-necrotic processes in animals was developed and implemented.

He is currently the head of the task of the 1st level of the branch scientific and technical program "Scientific support of veterinary support of animal husbandry of Ukraine in the context of implementation of the international strategy (OIE, WHO, FAO)" Single Health "for 2016-2020, a member of the Specialized Academic Council .

Since 1992, he has established ties and successfully cooperated with many foreign countries on the implementation of joint programs: AGFED, TEMPUS-TACIS, RIP (British Council), KNOW-HOW, NATO, DAAD, Jikap, Susfood, Hops, Concordia, Seps , Zenkenberg, Euler, Renaissance, Eurasia, Fulbright, Cochrane, APOLLO. As a result, research and teaching staff have systematically improved their skills at the universities of Cambridge, Exeter (UK), Giessen and Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Colorado, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Arizona. USA); Canada, Argentina, Lyon (France); Norway, Sweden, Holland and other countries.

In 2005 he was elected an honorary professor of the Higher National Veterinary School of France (Lyon).

In 2002, the International Council of the American Biographical Institute named him "Man of the Year" and presented him to the American "Medal of Honor" and elected him a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of this Institute.

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Google scholar profile Ilnitsky Mykola, Dr. Vet. Science, Professor.

He graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute in 1985, worked for three years as the chief veterinarian of the agricultural enterprise, then studied in graduate school.

In 1990 he defended his dissertation "The use of CO2 laser in the treatment of wounds in pigs." In 2002 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Pathogenetic justification of detoxification therapy and prevention of wound infection in pigs." From 2003 to 2012 - Head of the Department of Non-Communicable Pathology of the Institute of Postgraduate Training of Heads and Specialists of Veterinary Medicine.

Since 1991 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Surgery, since 1998 as an associate professor, and since 2004 as a professor of the department. In 1998, 2001 and 2012 he underwent internships at the Lyon Veterinary School and private clinics in France, and in 2005-2006 - in the research and production company "Advanced Technologies" (Russia) in the field of modern systems of animal husbandry and veterinary support .

Member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of dissertations and member of the expert council of the SAC of Ukraine. Expert in veterinary medicine of the National Agency for Educational Quality.

Areas of research: the use of laser radiation and local sorbents in veterinary surgery, ozone therapy, development of veterinary drugs, laparoscopic diagnosis and surgery, the use of epidural blockades in animals.

Scientific-pedagogical and practical work: general and special surgery of large and small animals, anesthesiology and resuscitation, radiology, endoscopy.

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 Koziy Vasyl, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor.

In 1985 he graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute, in 1985-1987 he worked as a veterinarian on farms, and then studied in graduate school.

In 1990 he defended his dissertation "Laser reflexology for arthritis in pigs", in 2007 - his doctoral dissertation "Laminitis in highly productive cows (etiology, pathogenesis, treatment and prevention).

During the 2000/2001 academic year, under the JFDP program, he completed an internship at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Davis, California, USA, in 2009-2010 under the program of scientific exchanges. Fulbright - at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Washington, Pullman (WSU, Pullman) and worked as an intern at the Animal Welfare Institute (Washington DC), Washington, USA. Member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of dissertations.

The direction of scientific research is the welfare of productive animals, the development of measures for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the extremities in cows.

Scientific-pedagogical and practical work: operative surgery. professional ethics and animal welfare, diseases of small pets.

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 Rublenko Serhiy, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor.

He graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute, and then in 1993-2000 he worked as a veterinarian in agricultural enterprises. In 1997 he defended his dissertation on "The state of proteolytic and fibrinolytic systems in the synovial fluid of young cattle in normal and aseptic arthritis", and in 2010 - a doctoral dissertation on: "Clinical and experimental justification of modern anaesthetics animals depending on the type of pain response "..

Associate Professor since 2004, and Professor since 2012. Member of the Academic Council for the Defense of Dissertations in the field of veterinary medicine, expert of the branch expert council on veterinary medicine of the National Agency for Quality of Education and Science. He underwent an internship in 2012 at the Lyon National School and private clinics in France, in 2019 - at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy (Kosice, Slovakia).

Research interests: monitoring of anesthetized animals and development of general anesthesia protocols based on methods of analysis of heart rate variability; endoscopy and electric welding of biological tissues.

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: general and special surgery of large animals, anesthesiology and pharmacology of anesthetic drugs, surgery and orthopedics of companion animals, birds and exotic animals, endoscopy, clinical oncology.

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Google scholar profile Chornozub Mykola, PHD, Cand. vet. Sciences, Associate Professor

In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bila Tserkva State Agricultural Institute, studied at the graduate school of the Department of Surgery, in 1999 he defended his dissertation "Changes in proteins and protein-carbohydrate compounds in synovial fluid and serum in aseptic arthritis in young." Initially an assistant, and since 2004 an associate professor of surgery.

In 2005 he completed an internship at dairy farms in the UK. Member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of dissertations.

Areas of research: development of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures for abdominal surgical pathology in highly productive cows and pigs.

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: anesthesiology and operative surgery, general and special surgery of large animals, surgical diseases of pigs.

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Google scholar profile Emelyanenko Olexander, PHD, Cand. veterinarian. Science, Associate Professor.

In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University and until 2004 worked as a veterinarian in an agricultural enterprise and a district institution of the State Veterinary Service, and then studied in graduate school of surgery.

In 2007 he defended his dissertation: "Clinical and experimental justification of laparoscopic ovarioectomy in bitches and pigs", assistant, and since 2013 Associate Professor of Surgery. He underwent an internship in equestrian clinics in Ukraine

Areas of research: development of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures for diseases of the extremities of cattle and horses, diagnostic and operative endoscopy.

Areas of scientific, pedagogical and practical work: anesthesiology and operative surgery, general and special surgery of large animals, surgery and orthopedics of horses, endoscopy.

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Google scholar profile Yaremchuk Andriy, PHD, Cand. vet. Sciences, Associate Professor. In 2002 graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University, studied at the graduate school of the Department of Surgery, and in 2006. - defended his dissertation "Tissue hemostasis in dogs and cattle in the treatment of purulent wounds with the use of ointments on a hydrophilic basis." Initially an assistant, and since 2011. Associate Professor of Surgery.

Areas of research: anesthesiology of animals and hemostasis in the inflammatory-regenerative process, development of methods of treatment and prevention of surgical pathology in animals of different species, including diseases of the extremities.

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: general and special surgery, surgical diseases of ruminants, poultry, exotic animals and wildlife.

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 Andriyets Volodymyr, PHD, Candidate of vet. Sciences, Associate Professor.

In 2005 he graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University, and in 2008 he graduated from the Department of Surgery. In 2009 he defended his dissertation on the topic: "Vascular-platelet hemostasis and its correction in abdominal surgical pathology in dogs and pigs." Since 2008 he has been an assistant, and since 2014 - an associate professor of the Department of Surgery and Diseases of Small Pets, from 2015 to 2018 - a doctoral student of the department.

Passed internship: in 2016-2017 - anesthesiology of small domestic and horses under the guidance of prof. Karine Portier at VetAgroSup, Lyon (France); 2018 - methodology and adaptation of the educational process to the requirements of EAEVE in the training of veterinary medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosiciach, Kosice (Slovakia); 2019 - radiological diagnosis of pathology of the musculoskeletal system in dogs under the guidance of Dr. Heinrich Camp at the Tierärztliche Klinik für Kleintiere Forstgarten, Kleve (Germany); 2019 - lectures for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the framework of the academic exchange Erasmus K2 + at Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon (Turkey)

Areas of research: hemostasis system for surgical pathology and tissue regeneration; osteoimmunity in trauma and its role in the regulation of reparative osteogenesis; osseointegration of different types of synthetic hydroxyapatites, biocomposite materials and implants made of titanium alloys; preclinical trials of drugs.

Areas of scientific and pedagogical and practical work: anesthesiology and surgery of small pets, traumatology and orthopedics of small pets, surgery of productive animals, herd health; radiology (certified radiologist for the diagnosis of dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints of the German Shepherd to assess SV / WUSV).

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Chemerovsky Valery, graduate student. He graduated from Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in 2017. Performs research on the topic: "The influence of different types of hydroxyapatite composites on reparative osteogenesis in animals" (supervisor - Academician MV Rublenko).

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Shevchenko Svitlana, graduate student. She graduated from Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in 2013. Performs research on the topic: "The use of hydroxyapatite composites with platelet-enriched fibrin in pathology of the musculoskeletal system in animals" (supervisor - Academician M. Rublenko).

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Todosyuk Tetyana, graduate student. She graduated from Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in 2008. Performs research on the topic: "The use of bioengineered composites based on hydroxyapatite, collagen and fibrin to optimize the regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues in animals" (supervisor - Academician M. Rublenko).

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Presentation of the Department of surgery and small animals diseases