Department of anatomy and histology nam. P.O. Kowalsky

Mykola Ilnytsky – Head of the Department, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, DVM.

He graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute in 1985, worked for three years as the chief veterinarian of the agricultural enterprise, then studied in graduate school.

In 1990 he defended his dissertation "The use of CO2 laser in the treatment of wounds in pigs." In 2002 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Pathogenetic justification of detoxification therapy and prevention of wound infection in pigs." From 2003 to 2012 - Head of the Department of Non-Communicable Pathology of the Institute of Postgraduate Training of Heads and Specialists of Veterinary Medicine.

Since 1991 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Surgery, since 1998 as an associate professor, and since 2004 as a professor of the department. In 1998, 2001 and 2012 he underwent internships at the Lyon Veterinary School and private clinics in France, and in 2005-2006 - in the research and production company "Advanced Technologies" (Russia) in the field of modern systems of animal husbandry and veterinary support. Member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of dissertations and member of the expert council of the SAC of Ukraine. Expert in veterinary medicine of the National Agency for Educational Quality.

Areas of research: the use of laser radiation and local sorbents in veterinary surgery, ozone therapy, development of veterinary drugs, laparoscopic diagnosis and surgery, the use of epidural blockades in animals.

Scientific-pedagogical and practical work: Introduction to the specialty, X-ray anatomy,general and special surgery of large and small animals, anesthesiology and resuscitation, radiology, endoscopy.

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Novak Vitaliy - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, DVM, First Vice-Rector of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Honored Worker of the Higher School of Ukraine

In 1969 he graduated from the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute. In 1970-1972 he worked as a bacteriologist at the Kirovohrad Regional Laboratory and as a senior epizootologist at the Kirovohrad Department of Agriculture. Since 1972 he has been a graduate student and assistant professor at the Department of Anatomy and Histology, since 1978 he has been an associate professor, and in 1980 a professor. from 1997-2014 head of the department and from 1986-2003 - vice-rector for distance education. From 2003 to present, the first vice-rector of the university.

In 1974 defended his dissertation on the topic: "Experimental and morphological study of intervertebral discs of  domestic animals"by specialty code 03.00.11 Cytology, cell biology, histology.

In 1989 – doctoral dissertation: "Structural and functional features of the elements of the soft skeleton of mammalian limbs"by the specialty code 16.00.02 pathology, oncology and morphology of animals.

Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 27.821.02 at Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.

Areas of research: Experimental and morphological study of reactive properties of connective tissue components of the locomotor system of mammals and birds.

Scientific-pedagogical and practical works: Cytology, histology, embryology, pathology, oncology, morphology.

He has the Order - "Badge of Honor" - 1986, the honorary title of "Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine" - 1996, Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - 2000.

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Sokolsky Victor, PhD,  DVM, Associate Professor.

In 1979 he graduated from the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute. From 1979-1980 he worked as the head of veterinary clinics of the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute. 1980-1983 graduate student, 1983 - assistant of the professor of the department, since 1992 - associate professor. In 1986  defended his dissertation on the topic: "Breed and age features of vascularization of the pelvic limb of chickens under different conditions" under the specialty code 16.00.02 pathology, oncology and morphology of animals.

Scientific-pedagogical and practical work: anatomy of domestic animals, morphology of farm animals

Areas of research: the effect of hypodynamics on the vessels of mammals and birds.

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Dudka Volodymyr - PhD, DVM, Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.

In 1986 he graduated from the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute. 1986-1988 worked as a senior veterinarian in the state farm. 1988-2010 аssistant Professor, since 2010 - аssociate Professor.

In 2006 he defended his dissertation on "Morphoadaptive properties of bone tissue in unilateral meniscectomy" by the specialty code 16.00.02 pathology, oncology and morphology of animals.

Head of the Fundamental Anatomical Museum of the department.


Scientific-pedagogical and practical work: anatomy of domestic animals, morphology of farm animals, taxidermy, museum business

Areas of research: morphofunctional properties of mammalian bone tissue in normal and surgical intervention.

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Melnychenko Antonina - PhD, DVM, Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences.

In 1990 she graduated from Bila Tserkva State Agricultural Institute.1990-1993 аssistant professor of the Department of Normal and Pathological Anatomy and Histology of the Zhytomyr Agricultural Institute. 1993-1996 graduate student, 1996-2001 assistant professor of the department, since 2001 - associate professor.

In 1997 she defended her dissertation on the topic: "Morphoadaptive properties of the synovial environment of the knee joint after unilateral meniscectomy" by specialty code 03.00.11 Cytology, cell biology, histology.

She is a consultant in cytology, histology and embryology of students of the Small Academy of Sciences of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Scientific-pedagogical and practical work: Cytology, histology, embryology, morphology of farm animals.

Areas of research: experimental and morphological study of morphofunctional and reactive properties of connective tissue components of the locomotor system of mammals and birds.

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Bevz Olga - PhD, DVM, Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.

In 1994 she graduated from Bila Tserkva State Agricultural Institute.

In 1997-1998 she worked as a veterinarian at an animal farm, in 1998-2013 - an Professorassistant of the department, since 2015 - an associate professor.

In 2012 she defended her thesis on the topic: "Segmental, extra- and intraorganic innervation and vascularization of the capsule of the knee joint of some mammals" by the special code 16.00.02 pathology, oncology and morphology of animals.

Passed internship: іn 2019 underwent internships and lectures for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the framework of the academic exchange Erasmus K2 + in the in the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca (Romania).

Scientific-pedagogical and practical work: cytology, histology, embryology, morphology of farm animals.

Areas of research: experimental-morphological study of reactive properties of connective tissue components of mammalian and birds locomotor system organs, their innervation and vascularization.

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Presentation of the department of anatomy and histology nam. P.O. Kowalsky