

For academic exchanges of students and NPP, scientific cooperation, the university has signed agreements with the Slovak University of Agriculture (Nitra), VetagroSup (Lyon, France), University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy (Kosice, Slovakia), University. Federico II (Naples, Italy), Cluj-Napoca University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (Romania), Ondokuz Mays University and Afyon Kocatepe University (Turkey), University of Zagreb (Croatia), University of Washington (USA) Applied Sciences (Netherlands), Pomeranian Academy (Slupsk, Poland), Kazakh NAU (Almaty), Belarusian DSGA (Gorki), Vitebsk DAVM (Republic of Belarus).

Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine undergo internships under the "Regulations on the organization of training, internships and internships of students of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University Abroad" (

in the USA, Denmark , Finland, Switzerland, France, Germany, Poland under the programs "WISE", "MAST", "EI", "II", "SAER", "SAER" Precision Agriculture","SAER Pioneer Seeds", "AB-farms", “DUC” “Internship International”, “FEFU” program of internships on livestock farms in France, “German Peasants’ Union” and “Apollo” programs, training and internships on livestock farms in Germany. In 2017–2018, 124 students underwent internships, in 2018–2019 - 144 people, in 2019–2020 - 72 people. Thus, in the period 2017–2019, 14 students underwent internships on Danish farms under the “AB-farms” and “DUC” programs (1 year internship - 13 people, mostly non-graduate courses).

FVM students and NPPs take an active part in Erasmus + programs. FVM students study at foreign universities. Individual international academic mobility is carried out according to agreements. Up to 20 different international exchange programs operate at BNAU (

This allows them to improve their professional skills, knowledge of a foreign language, communication skills, financial status, get acquainted with the world's technologies of animal husbandry and its veterinary support. After the internship, students prepare relevant reports and defend them. The reports are kept in the dean's office for three years.


For the last four years, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been actively participating in the Erasmus + program under the direction of KA107 - International Academic Mobility. During this time, bilateral inter-institutional agreements were signed with such universities as VetAgro Sup, École Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon (Lyon, France), Afyon Kocatepe University (Afyon, Turkey), Ondokuz Mayıs University (Samsun, Turkey, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) for the purpose of academic exchanges of students, graduate students, doctoral students and research and teaching staff, exchange of scientific information, including publications, creating opportunities for research and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical and administrative staff. From 2016 to 2021 5 students of FVM Bila Tserkva NAU had the opportunity to study for one semester in these universities under the Erasmus + program with a scholarship, 7 faculty members underwent internships under this program in order to implement their teaching activities. In turn, under the terms of the academic exchange of the Erasmus + K107 FVM program, 6 teachers from European universities visited to give lectures.



about internships abroad

scientific and pedagogical workers FVM BNAU during 2015-2019



December 6-11, 2015

Rublenko M.V., Tsarenko T.M., Ivasenko B.P.

VetAgroSup, Lyon, France (Lyon Veterinary School, France)

Internship as a member of the BNAU delegation within the framework of the OIE Twinning Project on Modernization of Veterinary Education in Ukraine between VetAgroSup and BNAU.



April 17-26, 2016

Andriets V.G., Shaganenko V.S.

VetAgroSup, Lyon, France (Lyon Veterinary School, France)

Internship as a member of the BNAU delegation within the framework of the OIE Twinning Project on Modernization of Veterinary Education in Ukraine between VetAgroSup and BNAU.


25.04 - 4.05.2016

Vovkotrub N.V., Yeroshenko O.V.

VetAgroSup, Lyon, France (Lyon Veterinary School, France)

Internship as a member of the BNAU delegation within the framework of the OIE Twinning Project on Modernization of Veterinary Education in Ukraine between VetAgroSup and BNAU.


12.06. ‒ 02.07.2016

Hitka O.A., Tsarenko T.M.

VetAgroSup, Lyon, France (Lyon Veterinary School, France)

training at the Summer Courses of the National School of Veterinary Service in VetAgroSup, under the program - "Animal Health", within the course of visiting the offices of the OIE (Paris), FAO (Rome) and the EU (Brussels).



Shaganenko V.S.

Internship at the University of Giessen. Justus Liebbich, Germany.


October 11-13, 2016

Hitka O.A., Tsarenko T.M.

Internship in veterinary education. Participated in a regional meeting at the Kazakh National Agrarian University (Almaty) on the implementation of the OIE project on veterinary education, which was organized as part of a twinning project between the Veterinary School of Toulouse (France) and KazNAU (RK), Kazakhstan



January 2-13, 2017

Tsarenko T.M., Kornienko L.M.

VetAgroSup, Lyon, France (Lyon Veterinary School, France)

Internship under the program in accordance with the implementation of the OIE Twinning Project on the modernization of veterinary education in Ukraine between VetAgroSup and BNAU. Study of issues of teaching epizootology and biostatistics, teaching methods and preparation of pedagogical materials.


February 22-23, 2017

Tsarenko T.M.

OIE Subregional Office, Astana, Kazakhstan

Internship during the third session of the OIE training seminar in Astana (Kazakhstan) dedicated to the training of trainers on animal welfare during long-distance transportation (OIE "Training of Trainers" Workshop on animal welfare during long distance transport for Kazakhstan and Ukraine (First OIE regionalToTWorkshop on longdistancetransport - Session 3: 22-23 February 2017).


February 6-9, 2017

Vovkotrub N.V., Lototsky V.V.

Internship in the Netherlands on the training program for trainers on "Signals of cows" in the framework of the Dutch-Ukrainian dairy center according to the project of cooperation with the Dutch company DUDC.


February ‒ May 2017

Rublenko I.A., Shaganenko V.S., Hitka O.A., Andriyets V.G., Andriychuk A.A., Bezukh V.M., Vovkotrub N.V., Tirsina Yu.M.

Internship for FVM teachers at the Lyon Veterinary School as part of the OIE twinning project., France


July 2017

Hitka O.A.

Internship at Justus-Liebig University, Germany, in the field of veterinary examination and food hygiene.



21‒25.01.2018 р.

Vovkotrub N.V., Tsarenko T.M., Golovakha V.I.

Internship in Košice, at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in the exchange program, Slovakia


March 26-30, 2018

Rublenko I.O.

Internship in Wroclaw (Poland) within the Erasmus + K2 project "Improvement of skills in laboratory practice for agricultural specialists in Eastern Europe".


June 11-22, 2018

Tsarenko T.M., Hitka O.A.

The internship was organized by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine and FoodTechLink on the topic of “Sustainable Food Chains” in cooperation with HAS University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.


12.07. 2018

Rublenko M.V., Hitka O.A., Rublenko I.O.

Internship in Chisinau (Moldova) in the framework of the Erasmus + K2 project "Improvement of skills in laboratory practice for agricultural specialists in Eastern Europe".


July 2018

Piddubnyak O.V.

Internship at the University of Zielona Gora, Poland


September 13-14, 2018

Tsarenko T.M., Shaganenko V.S., Pidborskaya R.V., Bahur T.I.

Participation in the scientific conference 6th International Scientific Conference "INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES OF ANIMALS", Kosice, Slovakia



Vovkotrub N.V., Bahur T.I.

Internship at Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey under the Erasmus + K107 program



Tsarenko T.M.

Internship at Ondokuz Mays University, Samsun, Turkey under the Erasmus + K107 program


November 12-24, 2018

Golovakha V.I.

Participation in the international scientific-practical conference on the basis of Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus


2-11.12. 2018

Vovkotrub N.V., Tsarenko T.M.

VetAgroSup, Lyon, France (Lyon Veterinary School, France)

Internship in the Erasmus + KA1 (Training Mobility) academic mobility program at the Lyon Veterinary School VetAgro-Sup, France



January 2019

Rublenko M.V., Sakhnyuk V.V.

Internship in Lyon (France) within the Erasmus + K2 project "Improvement of skills in laboratory practice for agricultural specialists in Eastern Europe".


May 1-31, 2019

Tsarenko T.M.

Internship in molecular diagnostics at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Košice, Slovakia


June 2019

Sakhnyuk V.V., Chub O.V., Andriyets V.G.

Internship at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Košice, Slovakia


June 2019

Bahur T.M.

Internship in Wroclaw (Poland), in the framework of the Erasmus + K2 project "Improving skills in laboratory practice for specialists in agriculture in Eastern Europe."



Hitka O.A.

VetAgroSup, Lyon, France (Lyon Veterinary School, France)

Training at the Summer Courses of the National School of Veterinary Service in VetAgroSup, under the program - "Animal Health and Welfare",



Koziy V.I., Koziy N.V.

Internship at Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Saskatoon, Canada, to improve knowledge of animal ethology and welfare.



Rublenko I.O.

Internship in Tbilisi (Georgia) in the framework of the Erasmus + K2 project "Improvement of skills in laboratory practice for agricultural specialists in Eastern Europe".



Golovakha V.I.

Internship at the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus



Andriets V.G.

Internship at Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey under the Erasmus + K107 program


November 16-27, 2019

Golovakha V.I.

Internship at the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus


19-21.11. 2019

Tsarenko T.M., Rublenko M.V., Rublenko S.V., Utechenko M.V.

Internship at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Košice, Slovakia



Poroshynska O.А., Bevz O.S., Andriychuk A.V.

Internship at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (Romania) under the Erasmus + K107 program.



Vovkotrub N.V.

Internship at the University of Natural Sciences in Wroclaw, Poland, under the Erasmus + KA2 program (“Ag-Lab” project).



about internships abroad

applicants for PR "Bachelor", "Master", specialty 211 - "VeterinaryMedicine" Bila Tserkva NAU during 2016-2021.

№ n / a full name Program and place of internship Period Document

Academic mobility

1 Kirichenko Zh.V.

2 B course 4 gr Study at the Pomeranian Academy, Slupsk, Poland 1.10.2017-31.01.2018 Certificate

Order № 1004 / s

from 06.10.2017

2 Levchenko M.A.

2 B course 4 gr Education at the Pomeranian Academy, Slupsk, Poland 1.10.2017-31.01.2018 Order № 1004 / s

from 06.10.2017

3 Shikir V.I.

2 B course 1 gr Education at the Pomeranian Academy, Slupsk, Poland 1.10.2017-31.01.2018 Order № 1004 / s

from 06.10.2017

4 Litvinova M.A.

2 B course 1 gr Education at the Pomeranian Academy, Slupsk, Poland 1.10.2017-31.01.2018 Order № 1004 / s

from 06.10.2017

5 Obshta O.

2SPB course, 3 gr Studying at Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey under the Erasmus + K107 program - academic mobility 24.09.2018-27.01.2019 Certificate

6 Naumchuk V.S.

3B course 2 gr Studying at Ondokuz Mays University (University of May 19, Samsun, Turkey) under the Erasmus + K107 program - academic mobility 15.09.2018-29.01.2019 Certificate

7 Кrytska К.

2SPB course 1 gr Studied at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (Romania) under the Erasmus + K107 program - academic mobility 30.09.2019-16.02.2020 Certificate

8 Yarmoshko Vyacheslav Studying at the Pomeranian Academy, Slupsk, Poland 1.10.2020-31.01.2021 Online

8 Telnov V.

1M course (art), 2 gr Training at FVM at the University of Tartu (Estonia) within the Erasmus + K107 program - academic mobility



about reading lectures and foreign teachers

at FVM BNAU during 2017-2020.

March 14, 2017

Lecture by Carin Portier, Robert Gerard (Vetagro Sup, Lyon, France) in the framework of the seminar "Problems of anesthesia in veterinary medicine of Ukraine"


March 29, 2017

Lecture by Alain Gonthier (Vetagro Sup, Lyon, France) in the framework of the seminar "Problems of food safety and quality control in Ukraine".


April 26, 2017

Lecture by Zoree Djelouadji, Julien Cappelle (Vetagro Sup, Lyon, France) and Gerard Wellenberg (Deventer, Netherlands) as part of the seminar “DIAGNOSIS, EPISOOTOLOGY AND ZOONOUS POTENTIAL OF LEPTOSPIRO”


February 13, 2018

Lecture on reproduction of cows by Dutch expert Fokko Aldershoff in cooperation with the Dutch-Ukrainian Dairy Center and Bila Tserkva NAU.


June 4-8, 2018

Lectures on Emergency Assistance by Professor Khalil Selkuk, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey under the Erasmus + K107 program.


April 2-4, 2019

Lectures by professors of the national veterinary school VetAgro Sup (Lyon, France) Karin Portier and Marien Arcangioli on veterinary anesthesiology and diseases of productive animals in the framework of the Erasmus + K107 program.


April 22-26, 2019

Lectures on anatomy and histology by Professors Korhan Altunbas (Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey) and Murat Kabak (Ondokuz Maiz University, Turkey) under the Erasmus + K107 program.


30.11-04.12.2020 р.

Lectures on the basics of echocardiography by Professor Durmus Fatih Baser (Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey) under the Erasmus + K107 program.