Andrii Melnyk |
Position: professor of the department of propaedeutics and medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after Levchenko V.I. Academic title: professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) Scientific Degree: doctor of veterinary sciences Work experience: from 1990 In 1996, defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of A-hypovitaminosis in cows and newborn calves" In 2009, defended dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Polymorbidity of internal pathology in high-yield cows (experimental substantiation of pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention)" Research area: "Theoretical and experimental substantiation of polymorbid and polymetabolic internal pathology in dairy and meat productive cattle (cows and young animals), small cattle (goats) and pigs: etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention" Teaches disciplines: Medicine of internal diseases of large animals; diseases of ruminants; special diagnostics and medicine of internal diseases of animals; laboratory methods of diagnostics of internal diseases of animals. Co-author: textbooks - 4; manuals, workshops, reference books - 7; scientific and methodological recommendations - 12; recommendations and guidelines for the educational process - 20; scientific articles in professional scientific journals, national and international publications - 165 (including 2 in Scopus); international projects - 4; patents - 6. Orcid: 0000-0002-3070-9876 volodymyr.sakhniuk@btsau.edu.ua тел. +38(067)-934-66-78 |
![]() Volodymyr Sakhniuk |
Position: professor of the department of propaedeutics and medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after Levchenko V.I. Academic title: professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) Scientific Degree: doctor of veterinary sciences Work experience: from 1990 In 1996, defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of A-hypovitaminosis in cows and newborn calves" In 2009, defended dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Polymorbidity of internal pathology in high-yield cows (experimental substantiation of pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention)" Research area: "Theoretical and experimental substantiation of polymorbid and polymetabolic internal pathology in dairy and meat productive cattle (cows and young animals), small cattle (goats) and pigs: etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention" Teaches disciplines: Medicine of internal diseases of large animals; diseases of ruminants; special diagnostics and medicine of internal diseases of animals; laboratory methods of diagnostics of internal diseases of animals. Co-author: textbooks - 4; manuals, workshops, reference books - 7; scientific and methodological recommendations - 12; recommendations and guidelines for the educational process - 20; scientific articles in professional scientific journals, national and international publications - 165 (including 2 in Scopus); international projects - 4; patents - 6. Orcid: 0000-0002-3070-9876 volodymyr.sakhniuk@btsau.edu.ua тел. +38(067)-934-66-78 |
Oksana Piddubniak |
Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko Academic rank: Associate Professor Scientific degree PhD in veterinary sciences Work experience: from 2007 р. In 2009, defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Indicators of haemopoiesis in horses and diagnosis of its changes in pathology" Research area "Propaedeutics and medicine of internal diseases of horses and small domestic animals" Teaches disciplines: Propaedeutics and diagnostic imaging Veterinary clinical biochemistry Internal diseases of small animals Veterinary endocrinology Small animal neurology Co-author: textbooks - 1, manuals - 1, methodological recommendations - 3, patents - 2, articles in professional journals - 128 Internship under the Erasmus+ programme, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania, Cluj-Napoca orcid. org / 0000-0001-9071-2041 oksana.piddubniak@btsau.edu.ua |
Mуkhailo Тyshkivskіy |
Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko Academic rank: Associate Professor Acientific degree:PhD in veterinary sciences Work experience: from 1995 In 2002, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Symptoms, pathogenesis and effectiveness of treatment of cows with alimentary dystrophy". Research area: "Diagnostics and therapy of internal diseases of ruminants, small domestic animals and poultry" Teaches disciplines: Propaedeutics and therapy of internal diseases of large animals Co-author: 1 textbook, 3 manuals, 1 monograph, 16 methodological recommendations and guidelines, 86 articles Orcid. org. //0000-0003-0826-5276 tyshkivky.mikhailo@gmail.com тел. +38(067)-525-29-61 |
Olexandr Chub |
Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko Academic rank: Associate Professor Scientific degree:PhD in veterinary sciences Work experience: from 1992 In 2002 defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Secondary rumen dystonia in high-yield cows (pathogenesis and treatment)" Research area: "diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the stomachs in highly productive cows" Teaches disciplines: Veterinary toxicology Propaedeutics and therapy of internal diseases of large animals Internal diseases of ruminants Co-author: manuals - 3, methodological recommendations - 9, patents - 1, articles - 35 |
Nataliia Vovkotrub |
Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko Academic rank: Associate Professor Scientific degree:PhD in veterinary sciences Work experience: from 1998 In 2005, defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Nephrotic syndrome in high-yielding cows and newborn calves (pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment)" Research area: "Experimental and theoretical substantiation of methods for early diagnosis of polymorbid and polymetabolic pathology in ruminants" Teaches disciplines: Herd health management Veterinary toxicology Clinical and environmental toxicology Laboratory business: chemical and toxicological methods research Special propaedeutics, therapy and prevention of internal diseases of animals Co-author: textbooks - 1, manuals - 2, methodological recommendations - 8, articles in professional publications - 37 Employee of the BNAU International Training and Research Investment Centre, responsible for international activities at the FVM. Orcid: 0000-0003-3297-454X |
Andrii Kharchenko |
Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko Academic rank: Assistant Scientific degree:PPhD in veterinary sciences Work experience: from 2007 In 2013, defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Hepatodystrophy in heifers and first-born cows of the Holstein breed: pathogenesis, informative diagnostic methods and prevention" Research area: "Diagnostics, therapy and prevention of internal pathology of cattle and small pets" Teaches disciplines: Propaedeutics and therapy of internal diseases of large animals; Internal diseases of small animals. Co-author: manuals - 4, methodological recommendations - 3, articles – 10 Member of USAVA |
Bilyk Bohdan |
Assistant of the Department of Therapy and Clinical Diagnostics named after Levchenko V.I.
Work experience: In 2018, he worked as a general practitioner of veterinary medicine at the Aibolit veterinary clinic.
Since 2019, he has been a postgraduate student of the department (supervisor: Professor V. Holovakha). Research area: diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in small pets |
Maksym Hotsuliak |
PhD student of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko Work experience: Research area: "Theoretical and clinical-experimental substantiation of methods of early diagnosis, effective treatment regimens and prevention of multiorgan and polymetabolic internal pathology in productive small cattle" Teaches disciplines: Propaedeutics and therapy of internal diseases of large animals Co-author: methodological recommendations - 1, articles in professional publications - 1 Orcid: 0009-0004-6165-5032 |
Liubov Moskalenko |
Laboratory assistant of the department |