Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko




Position: professor of the department of propaedeutics and medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after Levchenko V.I.

Academic title: professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS)

Scientific Degree: doctor of veterinary sciences

Work experience:  from 1990

In 1996,  defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of A-hypovitaminosis in cows and newborn calves"

In 2009, defended dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Polymorbidity of internal pathology in high-yield cows (experimental substantiation of pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention)"

Research area: "Theoretical and experimental substantiation of polymorbid and polymetabolic internal pathology in dairy and meat productive cattle (cows and young animals), small cattle (goats) and pigs: etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention"

Teaches disciplines: Medicine of internal diseases of large animals; diseases of ruminants; special diagnostics and medicine of internal diseases of animals; laboratory methods of diagnostics of internal diseases of animals.

Co-author: textbooks - 4; manuals, workshops, reference books - 7; scientific and methodological recommendations - 12; recommendations and guidelines for the educational process - 20; scientific articles in professional scientific journals, national and international publications - 165 (including 2 in Scopus); international projects - 4; patents - 6.

Orcid: 0000-0002-3070-9876

тел. +38(067)-934-66-78




Position: professor of the department of propaedeutics and medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after Levchenko V.I.

Academic title: professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS)

Scientific Degree: doctor of veterinary sciences

Work experience:  from 1990

In 1996,  defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of A-hypovitaminosis in cows and newborn calves"

In 2009, defended dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Polymorbidity of internal pathology in high-yield cows (experimental substantiation of pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention)"

Research area: "Theoretical and experimental substantiation of polymorbid and polymetabolic internal pathology in dairy and meat productive cattle (cows and young animals), small cattle (goats) and pigs: etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention"

Teaches disciplines: Medicine of internal diseases of large animals; diseases of ruminants; special diagnostics and medicine of internal diseases of animals; laboratory methods of diagnostics of internal diseases of animals.

Co-author: textbooks - 4; manuals, workshops, reference books - 7; scientific and methodological recommendations - 12; recommendations and guidelines for the educational process - 20; scientific articles in professional scientific journals, national and international publications - 165 (including 2 in Scopus); international projects - 4; patents - 6.

Orcid: 0000-0002-3070-9876

тел. +38(067)-934-66-78


Oksana Piddubniak

Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko

Academic rank:  Associate Professor

Scientific degree PhD in veterinary sciences

Work experience: from 2007 р.

In 2009,  defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Indicators of haemopoiesis in horses and diagnosis of its changes in pathology"

Research area "Propaedeutics and medicine of internal diseases of horses and small domestic animals"

Teaches disciplines: Propaedeutics and diagnostic imaging

                                     Veterinary clinical biochemistry

                                     Internal diseases of small animals

                                    Veterinary endocrinology

                                   Small animal neurology

Co-author: textbooks - 1, manuals - 1, methodological recommendations - 3, patents - 2, articles in professional journals - 128

Internship under the Erasmus+ programme, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania, Cluj-Napoca

orcid. org / 0000-0001-9071-2041




Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Scientific degree: PhD in biology sciences

Work experience: from 1976р.

In 1984, he defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences in the speciality 03.00.13 - "Human and Animal Physiology" on the topic: "The effect of iodine-containing drugs on metabolism and productivity of pigs in the final fattening period".

Research area: "Physiological basis of increasing meat productivity of pigs"

Teaches disciplines Propaedeutics and diagnostic imaging. Veterinary endocrinology.

Co-author: methodological recommendations and guidelines - 14, patents - 5, articles and abstracts - 103.


Mуkhailo Тyshkivskіy

Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Acientific degree:PhD in veterinary sciences

Work experience: from 1995

In 2002, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Symptoms, pathogenesis and effectiveness of treatment of cows with alimentary dystrophy".

Research area: "Diagnostics and therapy of internal diseases of ruminants, small domestic animals and poultry"

Teaches disciplines: Propaedeutics and therapy of internal diseases of large animals

Co-author: 1 textbook, 3 manuals, 1 monograph, 16 methodological recommendations and guidelines, 86 articles

Orcid. org. //0000-0003-0826-5276

тел. +38(067)-525-29-61




Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Scientific degree:PhD in veterinary sciences

Work experience: from 1992

In 2002 defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Secondary rumen dystonia in high-yield cows (pathogenesis and treatment)"

Research area: "diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the stomachs in highly productive cows"

Teaches disciplines: Veterinary toxicology

Propaedeutics and therapy of internal diseases of large animals

Internal diseases of ruminants

Co-author: manuals - 3, methodological recommendations - 9, patents - 1, articles - 35


Nataliia Vovkotrub

Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko

Academic rank:      Associate Professor

Scientific degree:PhD in veterinary sciences

Work experience: from 1998

In 2005, defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Nephrotic syndrome in high-yielding cows and newborn calves (pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment)"

Research area: "Experimental and theoretical substantiation of methods for early diagnosis of polymorbid and polymetabolic pathology in ruminants"

Teaches disciplines: Herd health management

                                          Veterinary toxicology

       Clinical and environmental toxicology

       Laboratory business: chemical and toxicological methods  research

       Special propaedeutics, therapy and prevention of internal diseases of animals

Co-author: textbooks - 1, manuals - 2, methodological recommendations - 8, articles in professional publications - 37

Employee of the BNAU International Training and Research Investment Centre, responsible for international activities at the FVM.

Orcid: 0000-0003-3297-454X




Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko

Academic rank:  Assistant

Scientific degree:PPhD in veterinary sciences

Work experience: from 2007

In 2013,  defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the speciality 16.00.01 - "Diagnostics and Therapy of Animals" on the topic: "Hepatodystrophy in heifers and first-born cows of the Holstein breed: pathogenesis, informative diagnostic methods and prevention"

Research area: "Diagnostics, therapy and prevention of internal pathology of cattle and small pets"

Teaches disciplines: Propaedeutics and therapy of internal diseases of large animals; Internal diseases of small animals.

Co-author: manuals - 4, methodological recommendations - 3, articles – 10

Member of USAVA



Bilyk Bohdan

Assistant of the Department of Therapy and Clinical Diagnostics named after Levchenko V.I.


Work experience

In 2018, he worked as a general practitioner of veterinary medicine at the Aibolit veterinary clinic.


Since 2019, he has been a postgraduate student of the department (supervisor: Professor V. Holovakha).

Research area: diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in small pets


Maksym Hotsuliak

PhD student of the Department of Propaedeutics and Medicine of internal diseases of animals and poultry named after V.I. Levchenko

Work experience:
October 2022 - postgraduate student of the  Department of Propedeutics and Medicine of Internal Diseases of Animals and Poultry named after V. I. Levchenko

Research area: "Theoretical and clinical-experimental substantiation of methods of early diagnosis, effective treatment regimens and prevention of multiorgan and polymetabolic internal pathology in productive small cattle"

Teaches disciplines: Propaedeutics and therapy of internal diseases of large animals

Co-author: methodological recommendations - 1, articles in professional publications - 1

Orcid: 0009-0004-6165-5032


Liubov Moskalenko

Laboratory assistant of the department