On December 3, under the leadership of the rector of the University, academician of NAAS A.S. Danylenko delegation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine consisting of the dean of the Faculty, prof. V. Sakhnyuk, academician M. Rublenka, assoc. prof. T.M. Tsarenko and assoc. prof. Yu. Balatsky took part in a virtual meeting of the 33rd General Assembly of the European Association of Veterinary Medicine (EAEVE).
The online meeting was organized under the auspices of ONIRIS - National School of Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture and Food, Nantes, France.
The online meeting was attended by more than 280 representatives from more than 160 veterinary education establishments in Europe and from all over the world, as well as representatives of veterinary faculties from all European countries, Turkey and North Africa. The meeting was attended as well by representatives of Senegal, Japan, Bangladesh, Belarus and many other countries.
At the meeting the President’s Report 2019, the Treasure’s Report and the Auditors’ and Financial Report 2019 were presented and approved.
It was offered to discuss the EAEVE Financial figures 2020, Rolling Financial plan 2020, visitations’ schedule and membership fees 2021.
Important information was published by the Internal Quality Assurance Committee (CIQA) in their report 2019, which states that the quality of veterinary education is the main focus of the Association. The elections of CIQA members also took place.
The principles and procedure for joining the Association of new members and confirmation of accreditation for existing members, the principles of the regional division of veterinary education establishments - members of EAEVE were discussed and approved.
The issue of approving the EAEVE strategic plan for 2021-2025 caused a lively discussion and great attention. Much attention was paid to the work of EAEVE in the framework of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), particularly the results of the European Veterinary Training Assessment System (ESEVT), which is responsible for the accreditation of veterinary education establishments.
In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, 17 visitations of EAEVE expert groups to veterinary education establishments in different countries were postponed. The program of visitations for 2021 was approved at the meeting, including visitations postponed in 2020. The amendments to the 2019 SOP were also approved because of the peculierities of veterinary establishments’ activity during the COVID-19.
Considerable attention was paid to e-learning and distance work methods in quarantine.
At the end of the meeting, the election of the President and Vice-President of EAEVE took place. Prof. S.Martinot was re-elected the President of EAEVE for the next period.. The candidacy of prof. Petri Winter, Rector of the Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria, was also supported by the participants.
The issues discussed at the General Assembly and the decisions on the quality of education, the organization of the educational process in the face of global challenges facing humanity are of great importance not only for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of BNAU, but also for the University as well. The Development Strategy of BNAU follows the integration of our educational institution and its faculties into European and world educational and scientific communities, the internationalization of the educational process. Cooperation with international professional associations allows to measure the University’ level of education quality according to the latest requirements and shows directions, ways and methods for improvement. This direction of development will allow our university to occupy leading positions in professional training of future veterinarians according to international standards.